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What a wonderful question for any church to address: What should a visitor expect when they come to our church?

Over the years, we have been blessed by God to meet and worship with thousands of individually unique and gifted people from all over the Inland Empire. As with any church, we have shared in triumphs and trials, happiness and hardship, seriousness and silliness, and strive to do it all for the glory of God. 

Also as most churches go, we have seen people come and go, go and return, and go, return, and go again! We feel, in a biblical sense, that touching lives - whether for long or short intervals of time - through worship, fellowship, ministry, service, and evangelism, helps us fulfill Jesus' Great Commission in Matthew chapter 28.

So the answer to the question, "What can we expect at The Branch Church?" is a kaleidoscope that includes:

  • A consistent focus on Jesus through the teaching of the Bible
  • Praise and worship music given with devotion and heart 
  • Loving one another unconditionally with faults and flaws included
  • All of the wonderful privileges that children of God get to partake in, as God leads.

We thank everyone who has ever blessed our church, and pray that we have had some large or small part in helping them grow closer in their relationship with God. Whether it's year 2005 or this year, whether it's 100 people or 1,000 people, whether it's in a school or in a community center, what you can always expect at The Branch Church is a desire to have all of our hearts and minds focused on the love we have for Jesus.

Christ is our Lord and Savior and the bending of His love out to one another - and the world He has called us to reach - is something "we take seriously, without taking ourselves so seriously." 

We hope to meet you, worship with you and bless you in whatever ways we can. 

In Him,

Pastor David and The Branch Church Family

"You Matter to God!"